Spiritual guidance: 

Since early adolescence, I have deeply felt that life was far more than what I can see with my eyes. That the world I was living in was a beautiful and grand mystery that I had to understand. Through a series of magical and synchronous encounters, the universe beckoned me toward the path of awakening. 

I have spent over 25 years seeped in spiritual inquiry and experience. My path has led me toward studying yoga, buddhism and eastern philosophies. I have integrated shamanism and Earth-based spiritual practices into my daily life. Energy medicine, body-work, sacred plants and psychedelic medicines, women’s rites and rituals and dance/movement practices (and more) have all become integral in my quest to better understand this majestic universe and and our place in it. 

My graduate degree is in Transpersonal counseling psychology. The term ’transpersonal’ refers to the blending of spirituality and psychology. A greater perspective that leaves room for human experiences that are beyond personal - a psychological framework that holds space for the mystical and mysterious. 

My deepest passion lies in working with other spiritual seekers. Guiding them in their sacred journeys home  - toward an awakened heart and embodied mind. The journey can be a lonely and confusing one. I assure that you are not alone. 

Spiritual Guidance Offerings:

  • Yoga-informed therapy

  • Earth-based rituals and ceremonies

  • Psychedelic integration and preparation

  • Guided meditations

  • Tools for grounding and protecting

  • Cord-cutting

  • Energy clearing and hygiene practices

  • Highly-sensitive person and empath skills

  • Exploration of spiritual philosophies and practices

  • Using nature as a resource and ally

  • Teachings around working with lunar and solar energies and wheel of the year

  • Oracle card readings

  • Women’s wisdom traditions

  • Insight and mindfulness meditation teaching and practices

If you find yourself in a juncture of searching for direction, meaning and spiritual connection, I will happily join you in the deep end and offer a float. Trusting that there is great reason we have been brought together for this chapter of life.

We all know there is something bigger than ourselves. When we can touch that, if even for a moment, and feel that source energy that is Love, then this world makes more sense and becomes a place we want to inhabit.